There are many variations of cancer, and what makes it difficult to diagnose is that symptoms can often be masked and hidden. Fortunately, skin cancer is actually one of the easier cancers to detect. Skin cancer is also one of the more common cancers that many suffer from. If you are able to detect symptoms […]
What to Expect After a Skin Cancer Diagnosis
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in human beings. In the United States alone, over a million new cases are diagnosed every year. The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell, squamous cell and melanoma. A patient’s treatment options will depend on the type of cancer they have and how advanced […]
Importance of Seeing a Dermatologist for Treatment of Lesions
Many common skin lesions are non-cancerous, or benign. Some of these conditions include freckles, moles, seborrheic keratosis, and skin tags. However, some of these skin lesions may not be so innocent. What You Should Look For There are three primary kinds of skin cancer, including melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma. Each one […]
When to See a Dermatologist about Moles
Moles are a simple fact of life: almost everyone has them, and most of the time they are a harmless and merely an aesthetic presence on the skin. Despite their universality, it is important to keep an eye on the color, size, and shape of your moles, as changes in these qualities can be signs […]
What to Do after Skin Cancer Diagnosis
A cancer diagnosis is always alarming, but skin cancer has an extremely high cure rate if it is caught and treated early. There are many treatment options available, and there is a variety of factors to consider when choosing one, such as the patient’s overall health, the type and location of the cancer, how aggressive […]