The types of skin lesions that can appear on human skin is nearly unlistable. They range from the benign, such as common acne, to the dangerous, such as melanoma. The good news about skin lesions is that they can be treated. This is true even of skin cancers if they are caught early. Different Types […]
Sun Damage Treatment – What are My Options?
The sunshine can make you feel good and give you the vitamin D your body needs. However, long-term exposure to the sun can wreak havoc on your skin. Thankfully, we have a number of sun damage treatment options available at our office. If you don’t protect yourself with sunscreen, you are more susceptible to age […]
How Often Should I Have Moles Checked?
Got moles? You aren’t alone. One out of a hundred people is born with a mole and many others develop moles throughout their lifetime. Moles can be large or small, come in a variety of shapes, and may vary in color. If moles are so common, how are you supposed to know when you need […]
How Do I Know If I Have Skin Cancer?
There are many variations of cancer, and what makes it difficult to diagnose is that symptoms can often be masked and hidden. Fortunately, skin cancer is actually one of the easier cancers to detect. Skin cancer is also one of the more common cancers that many suffer from. If you are able to detect symptoms […]
Enjoying the Results of Clear + Brilliant Treatments
It is not uncommon for your skin to start to show some signs of aging in early adulthood. Covering up fine lines, brown age spots and other minor imperfections is the last thing you want to deal with when you are still fairly young. If you are proactive with your skin care, then you can […]
How You Can Benefit From BOTOX in Charlotte, NC
Most people like to look their best when they are heading out, but there are some things that can have a negative effect on your appearance, one of which is aging. The signs of aging can make a dramatic difference in the way you look, as well as affecting your self-esteem and confidence levels. The […]
Common Causes of Cysts
A cyst is a pocket of tissue filled with fluid that can develop anywhere on the body. When cysts develop on the skin, they usually feel like a small pea just under the surface. Cysts are not cancerous, but they may cause aggravating symptoms. The good news is that many cysts subside on their own, […]
Medium Chemical Peel for Acne Scars and Deep Wrinkles
When it comes to the signs of aging, your face is ground zero. Whether you have been exposed to years of sun damage, environmental factors or tough bouts of acne, the result can be deep wrinkles and acne scars that prematurely age your face. If you are tired of looking at the signs of aging […]